Table 3

 Risk of CFS-like caseness compared with no fatigue caseness at 44 month follow up in employees fatigued at baseline (n = 686)

PredictorsMultiple logistic regression models
Baseline predictors only* OR (per SD) (95% CI)Baseline and follow up predictors† OR (per SD) (95%)
Predictor values are significant odds ratios (95% CI) adjusted for all other predictors in the model. Values of continuous predictors are expressed as OR per SD. t3, one year assessment; t6, two year assessment; OP, occupational physician. *Full model included age, sex, educational level, work status, pregnancy, CIS-fatigue, CIS-motivation, CIS-concentration, need for recovery, all three MBI-subscales, impairment in work, impairment in activities, physical attribution of fatigue, psychological distress, depressed mood, anxious mood, life events, visits to GP, visits to OP, self rated health, health complaints, sleep disturbances, all assessed at baseline. †Full model included educational level, CIS-fatigue (baseline), CIS fatigue change score (t3–t0), CIS fatigue change score (t6–t0), MBI-exhaustion (baseline), MBI-exhaustion change score (t3–t0), MBI-exhaustion change score (t6–t0), visits to GP (baseline), visits to GP (t3), visits to GP (t6), visits to OP (baseline), visits to OP (t3), visits to OP (t6), self rated health (baseline), self rated health change bad to good (t0–t3), self rated health change good to bad (t0–t3), self rated health change bad to good (t3–t6), self rated health change good to bad (t3–t6).
Fatigue severity (CIS)1.37 (1.11 to 1.86)1.86 (1.31 to 2.61)
- change score t6–t01.70 (1.11 to 2.31)
Exhaustion (MBI)1.66 (1.28 to 2.18)1.90 (1.33 to 2.74)
- change score t6–t01.55 (1.09 to 2.24)
Educational level
    low v high2.61 (1.29 to 5.24)2.29 (1.08 to 4.86)
    middle v high2.38 (1.27 to 4.45)2.75 (1.38 to 5.46)
Self reported GP visit (yes = 1)3.06 (1.71 to 5.50)
- recent visit to GP (t3)2.01 (1.07 to 3.76)
Self reported OP visit (yes = 1)0.46 (0.22 to 0.95)
Self rated health (good = 1)0.56 (0.33 to 0.95)0.27 (0.14 to 0.51)
- change t0–t3 “bad to good”0.11 (0.03 to 0.35)
- change t3–t6 “good to bad”2.54 (1.14 to 5.66)