Table 1

 Ecological studies of the link between firearm availability and suicide

AuthorsUnit of analysis/ population and measure of suicideMeasure of firearm availabilityFindings
Birckmayer and Hemenway, 200122Suicide and firearm suicide rates in 9 US census regions (1979–94)Proportion of households with firearmsPrevalence of household firearm ownership predicted firearm suicide rate.
Clarke and Jones, 198915US suicide and firearm suicide rates (1959–84)Proportion of households with handgunsPrevalence of handgun ownership predicted rate of firearm suicides.
Hemenway and Miller, 200221Suicide and firearm suicide rates in 9 US census regions (1988–97)Proportion of households with handgunsHousehold handgun ownership rates predicted firearm suicide and overall suicide rates.
Kaplan and Geling, 199813Firearm suicide and homicide rates in 9 US census regions (1989–91)Prevalence of firearm ownershipPrevalence of firearm ownership predicted firearm suicide among white and black men
Kellermann and Reay, 19866Number of firearm suicides relative to all firearm deaths that occurred at home (King County, Washington: 1978–83).Whether a firearm was kept in the homeFor every self protection homicide involving a firearm kept in the home, there were 37 suicides involving firearms
Kellermann et al, 199810Number of firearm related attempted and completed suicides relative to all shootings in/around a home in three US cities (Nov 1992–May 1994).Whether the gun involved was kept in the homeFor every legally justifiable shooting, there were 11 attempted or completed suicides
Killias, 19932Proportion of suicides with a firearm, rate of firearm suicide, and overall suicide rate in 14 countries (1983–86)Proportion of households with firearms (1989)Prevalence of household gun ownership predicted proportion of suicides with a gun, rate of firearm suicide, and overall suicide rate
Kleck and Patterson, 199324Suicide and firearm suicide rates in 170 US cities (1979–81).Proportion of firearm related homicides (1979–82); other crimes (1979–80), and the dollar value of stolen property attributable to firearms thefts (1979–81)Gun prevalence predicted total suicide and firearm suicide rates
Lester, 198816Rates of suicide by firearm and other methods in 9 US census regions (1970)Proportion of homicides and suicides committed with firearms; accidental death rate from firearms; state handgun control laws, and subscription rates to firearm magazinesStates with a higher availability of firearms had higher firearm suicide rates.
Lester, 198912Suicide and firearm suicide rates in the 48 continental US states (1980)Per capita circulation of Shooting Times, Guns & Ammo, and American HandgunnerStates with a higher per capita circulation of firearm magazines had higher suicide and firearm suicide rates.
Lester, 199017Suicide rates by firearm and other methods in 20 countries—1980Proportion of homicides committed by firearmsProportion of homicides committed by firearms predicted firearm suicide rate.
Lester, 200025Firearm suicide rates in 36 nations (1993)Accidental firearm mortality rate; proportion of homicides involving firearmsAccidental firearm mortality rate was independent of firearm suicide rate; proportion of homicides involving firearms predicted firearm suicide rate.
Lester, 200127Percentage of suicides using firearms among total Canadian population (1970–95)Rate of accidental death from firearmsRate of accidental death from firearms predicted percentage of suicides using firearms for all age groups except 55+.
Bridges, 200228Replicated Lester, 2001, using 3 additional years of data (1996–98)Rate of accidental death from firearmsRate of accidental death from firearms predicted percentage of suicides using firearms for all age groups except 55+.
Miller et al, 200218Suicide and firearm suicide rates for all US women (1988–97)Household gun ownership rates; Cook’s Index, and fraction of all suicides that involved a gunStates with relatively lower availability of firearms had relatively lower rates of suicides, and firearm suicides.
Miller et al, 200223Suicide and firearm suicide rates for all US 5–14 year olds (1988–97)Household gun ownership rates; Cook’s Index; and fraction of all suicides that involved a gunStates with relatively lower availability of firearms had relatively lower rates of suicides, and firearm suicides.
Miller et al, 200220Suicide and firearm suicide rates for all US states, 9 census regions (1988–97)Proportion of households with firearms (NORC); fraction of all suicides that involved a gunStates with relatively lower availability of firearms had relatively lower rates of suicides, and firearm suicides.