Table 8

Sensitivity analysis: costs per 10000 population*

60–6465–6970–74⩾75Mean per 10000 pop
*Incidence data were from 1999 and costs were expressed in year 2000 UK pounds. UK£1.00=US$1.52 and €1.59 as at 1 July 2000.
†Assumed six months long term care, one GP follow up consultation, and one outpatient consultation where appropriate.
Base case†279.2587.4431.51496.1810.0
Long term care
    1 month250.9422.2338.4883.3530.8
    12 months306.9749.4522.82097.71083.9
    24 months367.91106.2724.03421.51687.3
GP consultations
    2 Follow up consultations280.1588.7432.61499.2811.8
    4 Follow up consultations281.8591.5434.91505.3815.5
Outpatient consultations
    2 Follow up consultations291.4601.0444.41518.5826.3
    4 Follow up consultations315.8628.3470.41563.2858.9