Table 2

Inequality calculations per study

Author(s)YearRef noAbsolute inequality measuresRelative inequality measuresStratification resulting in multiple entriesMortality
With the exception of the study by Pamuk,23 all studies contributed a minimum of 11 inequality measures (five absolute and six relative measures). Studies that reported results stratified by age, country, time periods, or alternate measures of socioeconomic status contributed more than one series of the 11 inequality measures. PAR, population attributable risk; RD/RR, risk difference, risk ratio; slope, slope index of inequality; ID, index of dissimilarity; CIg, CI, concentration index; Agresti, Agresti’s α.
Anderson et al1997 24 61066634610666640Age, race, SESAll cause
Luoto et al1998 33 1111151111116CVD
Sundquist and Johansson1997 25 331331333133316Age, SESAll cause
Hemstrom1996 34 1111151111116All cause
Koskenvuo et al1980 26 222221022222212AgeIHD
Koskenvuo et al1979 35 333331533333318FarmersAll cause
Backlund et al1996 27 333331533333318AgeAll cause
Morris et al1996 36 222221022222212SESAll cause
Wing et al1987 31 555552555555530Time periodsIHD
Valkonen1989 30 666663066666636CountryAll cause
Martelin1994 37 555552555555530SESAll cause
Mcloone and Boddy1994 32 222221022222212Time periodsAll cause
Gregorio et al1997 38 444442044444424SESAll cause
Smith et al1997 28 333331533333318AgeAll cause
Hemstrom1999 39 1111151111116All cause
Pekkanen1995 40 666663066666636OccupationAll cause
Otterblad et al1991 29 222221022222212AgeAll cause
Backlund et al1999 41 222221022222212SESAll cause
Vagero and Lundberg1995 42 333331533333318SESAll cause
Pamuk1985 23 0040040040000Time periodsAll cause