Table 1

Comparison between three month stroke survivors that were included and three month stroke survivors that were excluded in this study

Patients included (n = 561)Patients excluded (n = 207)p Value
*t test; †χ2 test.
Age, years (SD)69.4 (13.7)71.5 (13.4)0.06*
Male sex, n (%)297 (52.9)100 (48.3)0.25†
African/Caribbean origin, n (%)102 (18.2)34 (16.4)0.57†
Haemorrhagic stroke, n (%)88 (15.7)31 (15.0)0.81†
Glasgow coma score ⩽13, n (%)69 (12.3)57 (27.5)<0.01†
Dysphasia, n (%)98 (17.5)81 (39.1)<0.01†
Barthel Index before stroke ⩽19, n (%)114 (20.3)55 (26.6)0.06†
Frenchay Activities Index before stroke ⩽15, n (%)85 (15.2)52 (25.1)<0.01†