Table 3

Distribution of the 1881 childhood (0–14 years) injuries attributable to bed falls recorded in EDISS for the three year period 1996–1998 by age, activity, and type of bed

Bunk bed number (%)Conventional bed number (%)Bunk bed number (%)Conventional bed number (%)Bunk bed number (%)Conventional bed number (%)
*Odds ratio for a bunk bed injury attributable to a fall during sleep rather than during leisure time.
    leisure83 (88.3)1142 (84.6)66 (82.5)230 (90.2)10 (47.8)70 (88.6)
    sleep11 (11.7)208 (15.4)14 (17.5)25 (9.8)12 (52.2)9 (11.4)
Total94 (100.0)1350 (100.0)80 (100.0)255 (100.0)23 (100.0)79 (100.0)
Odds ratio0.721.958.48
p Values0.330.060.0001