Table 2

Variables in risk and trauma scales

Variables in the Occupational Risk Scale:
% Reporting morbidity in the past five years:
(1) Repeated urinary tract infections27
(2) Gynaecological problems43
(3) Sexually transmitted diseases11
Current symptoms %:
(4) Vaginal pain49
(5) Pelvic pain35
(6) Vaginal numbing31
(7) Pelvic numbing27
Mean (SD)2.0 (1.8)
Variables in past trauma scale (before age 18) (%)
(1) Homeless27
(2) Lack food25
(3) Parents’ neglect30
(4) Sexual abuse33
(5) Physical attacked43
(6) Rape32
Mean number of past traumas (SD)1.9 (2.1)
Variables in exposure to violence since working in prostitution scale (%)
(1) Threatened31
(2) Threatened with a gun15
(3) Physically assaulted at work30
(4) Sexually assaulted at work30
Mean number of work traumas (SD)1.0 (1.3)