Table 2

Pearson correlation coefficients of healthcare, urban residential, and socioeconomic indicators and health determinants indices

Indicators Health determinants indices
Healthcare resources
Number of hospitals and clinics per population0.899
Number of hospitals per population0.505
Number of general hospitals per population0.377
Number of clinics per population0.867
Number of dental clinics per population0.818
Number of hospital and clinic beds per population0.474
Number of beds in general hospitals and clinics per population0.546
Number of hospitals and clinics per habitable land0.546
Number of clinics per habitable land0.534
Number of dental clinics per habitable land0.439
Number of medical doctors per population0.775
Number of dentists per population0.764
Number of pharmacists per population0.783
Percentage of households less than 500 m to the nearest medical facilities0.476
Preventive activity
Participation rate to general health check up0.348
Participation rate to health check up of stomach cancer0.799
Participation rate to health check up of lung cancer0.569
Participation rate to health check up of cervical cancer0.497
Number of public health nurses per population0.410
Number of community welfare volunteer per population0.472
School meal provision at junior high school0.487
Environmental quality
Percentage of houses which have sunshine at least 5 hours a day0.740
Normalised difference vegetation index area averaged by a circle of 3 km radius0.854
Normalised difference vegetation index area averaged by a circle of 10 km radius0.958
Normalised difference vegetation index area averaged by a circle of 19 km radius0.933
Index of higher nitrogenoxide measurement−0.922
98% value of the daily average of nitrogenoxide−0.914
Percentage of houses constructed after 19750.953
Index of newer houses0.973
Percentage of houses not facing at least 2 m width0.480
Percentage of houses with flush toilet0.426
Sewer diffusion rate0.266
Urban clutter
Length of road per total land area0.719
Length of road per habitable land area0.635
Number of goods vans per kilometer of road0.817
Number of cars per kilometer of road0.819
Percentage of houses less than 1 km away from railway station and less than 500 m away from bus stop0.636
Percentage of houses less than 50 m away from road of more than 6 m width0.536
Percentage of non-wooden houses0.462
Percentage of city planning area0.451
Households in apartment flats with 6 or more floors0.816
Age adjusted years of education (male)0.946
Age adjusted years of education (female)0.942
Average years of education of male aged 25–290.918
Local budget for education per population0.376
Local budget for education per population aged 5–190.403
Male workforce enrolment as percentage of male aged 15–650.857
Female workforce enrolment as percentage of female aged 15–650.780
Workforce enrolment as percentage of population aged 15–650.908
Unemployment rate−0.638
Unemployment rate among population aged 20–24−0.654
Unemployment rate among population aged 60–64−0.644
Manufacturing industry workers as percentage of total work force0.502
Wholesale, retail trade, and eating establishment workers as percentage of total work force−0.323
Professional and technical workers as percentage of total workforce−0.333
Managers and officials as percentage of total workforce−0.239
Family expenses for meat consumption adjusted by the area difference of food consumption−0.383
Per capita income0.896
Average annual earnings per household0.812
Standardised deviation of average annual earnings per household0.876
Per capita balance of savings0.736
Per capita value of housing and land property0.845
Per capita value of consumer durables0.684
Local economy
Growth rate of number of establishments0.805
Growth rate of total work force0.791
Medium to large scale establishments (5 and more employees) as percentage of all businesses0.733
Local government financial index0.697
local tax revenue as proportion to the total amount of revenue to the local government0.730
  • Indicators having statistically significant correlation (p<0.01) with individual health determining factors are listed. Other indicators used to formulate individual health determining factors were: family expenses for fish consumption adjusted by the area difference of food consumption for employment; indoor swimming pool with courses of 25 m and more per population for healthcare resources; school meal provision at elementary school for preventive activities; and number of public health nurses per clinical nurses for preventive activities.