Table 2

Changes in C+/H before and after treatment (Δ C+/H) in the two kinds of treatments, and the two way analysis of variance (ANOVA) results for the effect of each treatment

Two way ANOVA
Treatment (effect)Δ C+/H(95% CI)ndfFp
*To evaluate the basal effect C+/H as covariant, an analysis of covariance of Δ C+/H among the four groups was performed. It showed a significant difference between them: F=9.88, p<0.0005, with a Tukey test between Education and Control of p<0.0001. 95% CI= confidence intervals, n=number of cases, df=degrees of freedom, F=Fisher's parameter for ANOVA, p=for F.
Education (Blocks C and D)−0.53(−0.8 to −0.25)961838.40.004
Chemicals (Blocks A and C)−0.18(−0.53 to +0.18)951830.380.53
Control (Block B)+0.133*(−0.4 to +0.67)45