Table 4

Multiple regression of diastolic blood pressure on birth weight, current weight, and nutritional status at age 9–24 months4-150

β 95% CI
Birth weight0.76−0.66, 2.17
Weight at 11–12 years4.182.31, 6.05
Stunted/non-stunted at 9–24 months−0.51−4.33, 3.30
Interaction4-151 −6.28−10.32, −2.23
r 2 0.13
  • 4-150 Adjusted for sex and current age, birth weight and weight at age 11–12 years expressed as SD scores. Stunted = 0, non-stunted = 1.

  • 4-151 Interaction = stunted/non-stunted × weight at 11–12 years.