Table 4

Socioeconomic status and 30 day mortality among patients with CABG surgery, Rome 1996–1997

PatientsMortality (%)ORcrudeOR195% CIOR295% CI
Socioeconomic status
II6087.41.571.910.99, 3.671.890.98, 3.65
III5784.10.851.070.52, 2.190.930.45, 1.92
IV3568.11.742.891.44, 5.802.451.21, 4.96
  • OR1, odds ratios, adjusted for age, gender, type of IHD, comorbidities, other operations on heart apart from CABG, and operations on arteries. OR2, odds ratios, adjusted for age, gender, type of IHD, comorbidities, other operations on heart apart from CABG, operations on arteries, and type of hospital.