Table 4

Age standardised proportions (%, 95% CI) of medications prescribed at discharge from hospital after the MI event by the income level. Men aged 35–64 years (n = 734). The FINMONICA MI Register Study

β blockers Antiplatelet agents Hypolipidaemic medications4-150
(62, 73.4)(50.0, 62.4)(2.1, 10.1)
(75.5, 84.7)(53.3, 64.3)(4.7, 12.9)
(70.4, 83.8)(59.0, 73.8)(5.0, 16.4)
p for trend4-151
  • 4-150 Data for years 1988–1992 only, n = 450.

  • 4-151 Mantel-Haenszel χ2 test for linear trend across the income groups.