Table 2

Number of subjects by age at first occurrence of infectious diseases2-150 among population controls (n=1718) and among cases affected by non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL) (n=1388) or Hodgkin's disease (HD) (n=354), according to sibship size (not including the index subject). All infections in the five years preceding the diagnosis of lymphoma or the interview of controls have been excluded. Age unknown at first infection excluded

Sibship sizeAge at first infection
0 28 57 39 13 55 3813 15 8
1 66166106 24126 9419 4526
2–3 52253170 4015912221 5528
4+ 42220189 35141181 9 2824
Age unknown240 (14%)259 (19%)41 (12%)
Information not available90 (5%)101 (7%)22 (6%)
  • 2-150 List of diseases in the text.