Table 4

Odds ratios for CHD incidence for increase in one standard deviation of leg length, trunk length, height and leg length/trunk length ratio

Variables in modelLeg length
Number of men with full data on variables consideredUnadjusted odds ratio for increase in leg length of one standard deviation4-15095% CIAdjusted odds ratio for increase in leg length of one standard deviation4-15095% CI
Anthropometric variables4-151 24270.90[0.81, 1.00]0.90[0.80, 1.01]
CHD risk factors4-162 21520.89[0.79, 1.00]0.94[0.84, 1.06]
Insulin resistance4-163 19040.88[0.78, 0.99]0.89[0.79, 1.00]
Socioeconomic position4-165 23700.90[0.81, 1.00]0.91[0.82, 1.02]
All listed variables4-170 17710.87[0.76, 0.99]0.88[0.76, 1.02]
Trunk length
Variables in model Number of men with full data on variables considered Unadjusted odds ratio for increase in trunk length of one standard deviation4-152 95% CI Adjusted odds ratio for increase in trunk length of one standard deviation4-152 95% CI
Anthropometric variables4-153 24271.05[0.94, 1.16]1.07[0.95, 1.20]
CHD risk factors4-162 21521.04[0.93, 1.17]1.08[0.96, 1.22]
Insulin resistance4-163 19041.01[0.89, 1.14]0.98[0.86, 1.10]
Socioeconomic position4-165 23701.06[0.95, 1.18]1.08[0.96, 1.20]
All listed variables4-170 17711.03[0.91, 1.17]1.12[0.97, 1.30]
Variables in model Number of men with full data on variables considered Unadjusted odds ratio for increase in height of one standard deviation4-154 95% CI Adjusted odds ratio for increase in height of one standard deviation4-154 95% CI
Anthropometric variables4-160 24270.95[0.86, 1.06]1.05[0.89, 1.23]
CHD risk factors4-162 21520.94[0.84, 1.06]1.00[0.88, 1.12]
Insulin resistance4-163 19040.92[0.81, 1.04]0.91[0.80, 1.03]
Socioeconomic position4-165 23700.96[0.86, 1.07]0.98[0.87, 1.09]
All listed variables4-170 17710.92[0.81, 1.05]1.12[0.91, 1.36]
Leg length/trunk length ratio
Variables in model Number of men with full data on variables considered Unadjusted odds ratio for increase in leg length/trunk length ratio of one standard deviation4-164 95% CI Adjusted odds ratio for increase in leg length/trunk length ratio of one standard deviation4-164 95% CI
Anthropometric variables4-161 24270.88[0.80, 0.98]0.88[0.75, 1.03]
CHD risk factors4-162 21520.87[0.77, 0.98]0.92[0.81, 1.03]
Insulin resistance4-163 19040.87[0.77, 0.98]0.89[0.79, 1.01]
Socioeconomic position4-165 23700.88[0.79, 0.98]0.89[0.80, 1.00]
All listed variables4-170 17710.86[0.75, 0.97]0.83[0.68, 1.01]
  • 4-150 Odds ratio for increase in leg length of one standard deviation (4.4 cm), adjusted for age.

  • 4-151 Anthropometric variables in the model: trunk length.

  • 4-152 Odds ratio for increase in sitting height of one standard deviation (3.3 cm), adjusted for age.

  • 4-153 Anthropometric variables in the model: leg length.

  • 4-154 Odds ratio for increase in height of one standard deviation (6.5 cm), adjusted for age.

  • 4-160 Anthropometric variables in the model: sitting height.

  • 4-164 Odds ratio for increase in leg length/trunk length ratios of one standard deviation (3.3 cm), adjusted for age.

  • 4-161 Anthropometric variables in the model: height.

  • 4-162 CHD risk factors in the model: BMI, FEV/H2, cholesterol, fibrinogen, diastolic blood pressure, ever smoked, currently smoke.

  • 4-163 Insulin resistance factors in the model: HOMA, log triglycerides, HDL cholesterol.

  • 4-165 Indicators of socioeconomic position in the model: own social class, father's social class (including a category for not known), father unemployed (including a category for not known).

  • 4-170 All variables from all four categories entered in the model.