Table 3

Age adjusted proportions of people aged less than 65 years with limiting longstanding illness, odds ratios and relative index of inequality according to sex, occupation, education and income. Basque Health Surveys, 1986 and 1992

Limiting longstanding illnessMenWomen
19861992Relative change 1992/1986 (95% CI)19861992Relative change 1992/1986 (95% CI)
%3-150OR (95% CI)%OR (95% CI)%OR (95% CI)%OR (95% CI)
Class I (high)4.813.8113.813.311
Class II4.81.23 (0.68, 2.22)5.61.62  (0.91, 2.91)1.59  (0.73, 3.43)4.11.06  (0.62, 1.81)6.52.16  (1.18, 3.95)1.87  (0.82, 4.23)
Class III6.11.21 (0.68, 2.15)8.02.29 (1.35, 3.88)1.72 (0.84, 3.53)6.21.38 (0.83, 2.30)7.52.58 (1.47, 4.53)1.57 (0.73, 3.39)
Class IV9.61.85 (1.08, 3.16)10.73.17 (1.98, 5.08)1.49 (0.78, 2.88)6.71.58 (0.97, 2.56)7.62.57 (1.54, 4.30)1.44 (0.70, 2.95)
Class V (low)9.41.99 (1.14, 3.46)12.24.15 (2.57, 6.69)2.00 (1.02, 3.93)7.41.64 (1.00, 2.69)9.13.29 (1.95, 5.55)1.58 (0.76, 3.30)
p value 0.19010.5727
Relative index of inequality2.57 (1.93, 3.43)3.89 (2.74, 5.50)1.50 (0.96, 2.37)1.92 (1.40, 2.63)2.37 (1.62, 3.48)1.18 (0.72, 1.92)
Secondary7.51.45 (0.94, 2.28)5.01.51 (0.92, 2.54)1.09 (0.56, 2.13)4.71.94 (0.97, 4.23)2.21.46 (0.74, 3.09)0.87 (0.31, 2.39)
Basic10.52.82 (1.99, 4.12)17.64.43 (2.96, 6.96)1.50 (0.86, 2.64)7.63.26 (1.82, 6.62)12.64.74 (2.73, 9.07)1.28 (0.53, 3.04)
p value0.13460.3479
Relative index of inequality4.99 (3.22, 7.89)11.72 (6.97, 20.27)2.03 (1.03, 4.03)4.35 (2.31, 8.60)14.03 (6.74, 30.96)2.17 (0.85, 5.63)
4th quartile (high)8.413.3114.112.711
3rd quartile8.61.28 (0.98, 1.68)7.62.24 (1.55, 3.29)1.75 (1.11, 2.79)6.41.63 (1.21, 2.22)5.11.08 (0.72, 1.63)0.66 (0.40, 1.10)
2nd quartile8.32.24 (1.75, 2.91)12.83.14 (2.28, 4.41)1.40 (0.93, 2.14)6.91.87 (1.40, 2.53)8.31.73 (1.25, 2.42)0.92 (0.59, 1.43)
1st quartile (low)9.03.64 (2.74, 4.85)20.05.32 (3.72, 7.72)1.48 (0.94, 2.36)7.82.15 (1.54, 3.02)16.32.87 (2.02, 4.11)1.31 (0.81, 2.13)
p value0.12070.0244
Relative index of inequality5.07 (3.74, 6.91)6.76 (4.55, 10.12)1.36 (0.82, 2.24)2.19 (1.56, 3.07)4.14 (2.72, 6.35)1.86 (1.09, 3.19)
  • 3-150 Age adjusted proportions, using the direct method and the Basque population in 1991 as the reference. Odds ratio adjusted by age using logistic regression models. p Value for statistical significance of interaction between socioeconomic indicator and survey year.