Table 2

Correlation matrix of sociodemographic variables and birth outcome as weight and length at birth: fullterm singleton births, cohorts combined (n=837), Spearman correlation coefficients (p value). (1908 cohort excluded for birth weight, 1908 and 1914 excluded for birth length)

Birth weight Birth length Delivery site Maternal marital status Maternal age Maternal parity Gestational age Birth cohort
Birth length (n=686)0.64  (0.001)
Delivery site (home=1, hospital=2)−0.29 (0.001)−0.21  (0.001)
Maternal marital status
(unmarried=0, married=1)
0.13 (0.001)0.09 (0.05)−0.11  (0.01)
Maternal age0.15 (0.001)0.13 (0.01)−0.21 (0.001)0.21  (0.001)
Maternal parity0.28 (0.001)0.18 (0.001)−0.26 (0.001)0.19 (0.001)0.58  (0.001)
Gestational age0.21 (0.001)0.24 (0.001)−0.02 (0.52)0.02 (0.49)0.0004 (0.99)0.01  (0.71)
Birth cohort (1–4)2-150 0.02 (0.55)0.09 (0.05)−0.23 (0.001)0.12 (0.001)−0.02 (0.55)−0.10 (0.01)0.03  (0.38)
Parenteral social group (I–V) −0.03 (0.35)−0.07 (0.07)0.10 (0.01)−0.17 (0.001)−0.09 (0.01)0.05 (0.28)−0.01 (0.88)0.03  (0.38)
  • 2-150 1=1914, 2=1918, 3=1922, 4=1930, if married then father's occupation, otherwise mother's.