Table 2

The association between K-ras mutations and regular coffee drinking, adjusted by alternative measures of tobacco and alcohol consumption2-150

Model / subjects Number Odds ratio (95% CI) p Value2-151
1 All1075.41 (1.64, 17.78)0.005
2 All1074.13 (1.34, 12.70)0.013
3 All1015.49 (1.68, 17.95)0.005
4 All934.59 (1.28, 16.51)0.019
5 All1074.46 (1.42, 13.98)0.010
6 Male smokers546.18 (1.31, 29.18)0.022
7 Ever alcohol drinkers894.01 (1.22, 13.17)0.022
8 All subjects <60 years old3919.06 (1.38, 262.9)0.028
  • 2-150 All models are sex and age adjusted (except models 6 and 8). Model 1: smoking as cumulative number of years smoked, alcohol in five categories (non-drinker, occasional, low consumption, high consumption, heavy drinker). Model 2: smoking as ever/never, alcohol in five categories. Model 3: number of years smoked, number of years of alcohol drinking. Model 4: cumulative lifetime number of cigarettes, cumulative lifetime grams of alcohol. Models 5 and 8: cumulative lifetime number of cigarettes, alcohol in five categories. Model 6: ever smokers. Model 7: smoking as ever/never, years of alcohol drinking. Only seven women had ever smoked, and only seven men were never-smokers.

  • 2-151 Value for regular coffee drinking derived from the corresponding regression coefficient in the logistic model.