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Wanted: one ideal Canadian federal health minister (who walks on water)
  1. R Labonte1,
  2. A Williams2,
  3. L Biggs3
  1. 1R Labonte , Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit and Community Health and Epidemiology, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
  2. 2Research Faculty, Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit and Geography, University of Saskatchewan
  3. 3Women’s and Gender Studies, University of Saskatchewan
  1. Correspondence:
 Professor R Labonte, SPHERU, Health Sciences Building, University of Saskatchewan, 107 Wiggins Road, Saskatoon, SK, Canada S7N 5E5;

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You are excited by the challenge of Canada’s interesting constitutional division of powers, in which the federal government is expected to contribute to health systems largely under the control of provincial governments, most of which will constitutionally disagree with anything you propose except the promise of more money.

You are resistant to media attacks that continually point to the declining federal contribution to health systems, and are able to convince your finance and international trade colleagues in the cabinet of the wisdom of progressive taxation to increase public funding for effective health services. Your conviction in evidence based policy making (rather than policy based evidence making) allows you to confront head on the economic interests behind the push for widespread privatisation of health (and education, and social services, and anything else “inefficiently public”), with convincing references attached. …

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