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Social circumstances in childhood and cardiovascular disease mortality: prospective observational study of Glasgow University students
  1. G Davey Smitha,
  2. P McCarrona,
  3. M Okashaa,
  4. J McEwenb
  1. aDepartment of Social Medicine, University of Bristol, Canynge Hall, Whiteladies Road, Bristol BS8 2PR, UK, bDepartment of Public Health, University of Glasgow, Glasgow
  1. Professor Davey Smith (zetkin{at}

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Adverse socioeconomic circumstances in childhood have been related to increased cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk in adulthood in most, but not all, studies.1 The findings of such studies can be difficult to interpret given the association of childhood social circumstances with social conditions and behavioural risk factors for CVD in adulthood. Statistical adjustment for these, however, generally indicates an important additional contribution of childhood socioeconomic background.2 In this study we investigate the association between childhood circumstances and CVD mortality among male former students of Glasgow University, who will have experienced a relatively homogeneous and privileged adulthood social environment.

Methods and Results

Students attending the University of Glasgow between 1948–68 were invited to participate in a medical examination carried out by the student health department.3 Data collected included sociodemographic data, details of health behaviours and measured blood pressure. Participants were traced through the National Health Service Central Register. Full details are reported elsewhere.3The social class of the fathers of …

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  • Funding: World Cancer Research Fund; Chest, Heart and Stroke Association Scotland; Stroke Association.

  • Conflicts of interest: none.